Change the world through the power of the arts.
Your vision of a healthier, more sustainable world is possible. In the face of humanity’s most critical and complex issues, UBC Arts students, researchers and alumni are asking the hard questions. They’re diving deep and sharing evidence-based ideas, equitable solutions, and innovative art for a better future.
Our graduates include renowned filmmakers, actors, designers, teachers, and researchers. What happens here can change everything. Your support is the catalyst. Join UBC Theatre and Film in advancing healthy lives, a healthy planet and healthy societies.
Featured initiatives
Theatre Donations Fund
The Theatre Donations Fund supports productions, special events and conferences helping students combine academic theory with practice in staging, designing, performing and writing.
Film Donation Fund
The Film Donation Fund ensures that students in Film Production and Cinema studies have access to scholarships and new equipment. Our program aims to help students create entertaining thought-provoking work and encourage them to understand how film influences the cultural landscape.
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