BFA Acting
Tirion is a fourth-year BFA Acting student at UBC. A dual citizen of Canada and Britain, Tirion’s UK credits include Maria (The Sound of Music) and Estelle (No Exit). At UBC, her credits include: Woman (Oh, the Humanity!), Young Woman 1 (Machinal) and Coriolanus (Coriolanus).
You have/will see/hear/experience my work in
Commedia Dell’Arte, Machinal, Naked Cinema and Coriolanus.
What was one of the highlights of your UBC experience?
I have so many highlights, it’s incredibly hard to choose, but if I had to pick, being offered the amazing opportunity to play Coriolanus in my final show at UBC. Being a huge fan of Shakespeare it was transformative to take on this demanding role.
What kind of creative work do you see yourself doing in the next few years?
I would love to pursue acting in film and television, but part of my heart will always belong to theatre, particularly Shakespeare. Most of all I would love to have a thriving career in Vancouver, alongside my classmates.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Moving to Vancouver by myself at 18 to pursue acting. For me, that took guts!
Which talent would you most like to have?
Being multilingual.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Right now: Safeway Christmas Sugar Cookies.
If you could have dinner with someone fictional/real, who would it be?
My Nana. She was my biggest supporter and I’d love to tell her all about the craziness of the last four years.
If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
A candle maybe? My room is always full of them and they put people at ease, which I hope I do!

Tirion Jones Headshot
Tirion Jones Headshot

Tirion Jones Headshot
Tirion Jones Headshot

Tirion Jones in Machinal
Tirion Jones in Machinal