UBC Theatre and Film: Tours, Screening and All Years Reunion & Celebration – everyone welcome!

Frederic Wood Theatre
SaturdayMay 24

UBC Theatre & Film hosts two fun events for Alumni Weekend 2014. Take a free tour of our historic Frederic Wood Theatre with costume exhibit, 11:30am to 2:30pm. In the evening come back to “the Freddie” for a screening of the award winning film Last Wedding, introduced by filmmaker, alumnus Bruce Sweeney, along with cast members. Afterwards join us for a ‘swinging-from-the-chandeliers’ party! Tickets to the performance and party are only $10, with all proceeds going to student scholarships.

Daytime: THEATRE TOURS & COSTUME EXHIBIT – Free! Saturday May 24: 11:30am – 12:30pm, 1:15pm – 2:15pm & 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Tours leave from the lobby

Tour hidden recesses of UBC’s historic 400 seat Frederic Wood theatre, and learn its secrets (ask about our Ghosts!) with alumni Gerald Vanderwoude (MFA Directing) and Cam Cronin (BFA Acting). Back stage, scene and costumes shops are inspirational places for young and old alike. View a costume exhibit “Fashioning Cancer” (as seen on CNN), find out how associate professor Jacqueline Firkins drew inspiration for 10 exquisite ball gowns from microscopic photography taken by UBC cancer researchers. www.theatre.ubc.ca/fashioning_cancer

Evening: FILM SCREENING & PARTY – Meet the Filmmaker!

Last Wedding an award winning film by alumnus Bruce Sweeney Saturday May 24: 7:30pm – 9pm screening & party to midnight | $ 10 * proceeds to student scholarships UBC Theatre & Film alumni and the public are invited to join us for a showing of LAST WEDDING, a film by UBC Theatre & Film alumnus Bruce Sweeney (MFA’96). Introduced by the filmmaker along with some cast members and followed by a ‘swinging-from-the-chandeliers’ party!

Tickets: www.theatre.ubc.ca or 604.822. 2678
Frederic Wood Theatre, 6354 Crescent Rd., UBC V6T 1Z2
Map http://bit.ly/152pvFf