UBC T&F Sponsors Antígonas: Women’s Tribunal in the Frederic Wood Theatre

The Memory and Social Justice Research Stream presents:
Antígonas: Women’s Tribunal
Monday, September 26 – 7:30pm
Tuesday – September 27 – 6:00pm
Frederic Wood Theatre (6354 Crescent Rd, UBC. Vancouver)


General Admission | $5 suggested ticket donation | tickets at the door | cash sales only | no debit/credit

This modern adaptation of Sophocles’ Greek tragedy Antigone will be performed by the theatre group Tramaluna Teatro. They present a powerful performance, bringing together actresses and women survivors from the Colombian political conflict, while providing a testimony to the suffering coming directly from victims.
In this scenic play nine women arrive into an imaginary tribunal with personal objects from their disappeared or murdered family members: A photograph, a t-shirt, a toy, a bible; all used to tell their story and symbolize the victimization of their loved ones. Antígonas: Women’s Tribunal, in the words of the Artistic Director Carlos Satizábal “is a call to reclaim justice and to restore the names of the victims and to somehow pay tribute for the irredeemable loses in their lives.” Indeed, a poetical restitution in the collective memory that might be crucial to stop the vicious cycles and revenge and hatred.
Antígonas: Women’s Tribunal features Luz Marina Bernal Parra, who is currently a nominee for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize due to her work with Madres de Soacha, whose children were extra judiciary executed by members of the Colombian army and presented as guerrilla members.
The Tramaluna Theatre Company was invited to perform Antígonas: Women’s Tribunal at Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) by women’s organizations that fight against femicide. In Toronto they will be performing at Festival Rutas and in art and human rights meetings. In Spain the group will perform at the Spanish-American Theatre Festival in Cádiz; at the TNT Festival in Sevilla; as well as presentations in Madrid and Gijón.
Cast: Angela Triana Gallego  – Lina Támara. Karen Roa – Luz Marina Bernal Parra – María Ubilerma Sanabria López – Lucero Carmona –  Orceni Montañez Muñoz – Fanny Palacios Romero – Mayra Lopez Severiche – Dora Lucy Arias.
Artistic Director: Carlos Satizábal
Video, Choreography, Music, Lighting: Francesco Corbeletta