UBC Events raves about TWELFTH NIGHT (final week!)

Cast of Twelfth Night. Photo: Nancii Bernard

Cast of UBC’s Twelfth Night. Photo: Nancii Bernard

“Mistaken identity? Romance? Misbehaviour? All that and more can be found in Theatre UBC’s production of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night,which sets the classic play during a New Orleans Mardi Gras celebration and is currently delighting audiences at the Frederic Wood Theatre.”

…”Theatre UBC’s adaptation of Twelfth Night is entertaining from beginning to end and offers something for all audience members. Whether you go to see some of UBC’s finest thespians give outstanding performances, or to marvel at the play’s breath-taking set and jazzy original music, your trip to the Frederic Wood Theatre will not be one you’ll soon regret.”

Read full review here: http://www.events.ubc.ca/2014/09/theatre-ubc-presents-twelfth-night/

Visit the Twelfth Night companion website here: http://archive.theatre.ubc.ca/twelfth_night/index.html