Linnea Ritland
Linnea Ritland’s first-year film “Call for a Good Time” (from Film Production 233) is currently making the very-small-film-festival rounds. Selected & screened at the East Van Short Film Showcase on June 5th (“The Big One”), it’s recently been accepted into the Iron Mule Short Comedy Film Series:
FILM: https://linnearitland.wordpress.com/portfolio/call-for-a-good-time/
WEBSITE: https://linnearitland.wordpress.com/about/
Who is Linnea and how does she feel about UBC Theatre and Film?
I’m currently a student in the UBC Film Production Program, about to embark on my third year. I’m also half-Hong-Kong-Chinese and half-White-bread-American, which mostly means that I’m extra disappointed that I can only speak one language. Fortunately, these two halves add to make a whole Canadian, happy to make my home in Vancouver, BC.
As a comedy nerd, I love to make people laugh—especially if that people includes myself. I’m currently working on a sitcom about a failing kitchen, several short film scripts, a degree from the University of British Columbia, and at least 4 unfinished cryptic crosswords.
Without this program I would not have met so many kindred weirdos, and would not have had the opportunity to make Call for a Good Time, or indeed whatever other pieces I might make in these three years. It’s certainly a nudge—or even a kick—in a good direction and I’m jazzed to see what comes next.