Ottawa U’s 1979 production of The Good Woman of Setzuan by Bertolt Brecht, directed by Alexander Hausvater – I’m the one in the front and centre, and Stephen’s on the far right.
What is your title? What do you do at UBC Theatre and Film? Where can we find you?
I am the Web Developer for the Department of Theatre and Film. I design and maintain our Department’s website. The best way to reach me is through email and I’m on campus regularly for meetings.
How long have you worked here?
Sixteen years!
How did you get the job-training/education, previous jobs, particular skill sets, connections to UBC?
I’ve always been involved in theatre and design, which is how I ended up doing my MFA in Theatre at UBC around the new millennium. During my degree, I became interested in applying design elements from the theatre to the relatively new stage of the webpage. I created the first ever showsite for the UBC production of Frankenstein, which ended up winning an award – and from there, I designed the Department’s first website, which has been evolving ever since!
What are the top three great things about working at UBC Theatre and Film?
- Creatively collaborating with talented and lovely staff and faculty.
- Just like being an actor, I’m constantly learning – in this case how to better fulfil my role as part of our marketing team.
- Keeping in touch with my theatrical background – including my own time in theatre school!
If you weren’t working at UBC in your present position, what would be your dream job?
I’d either be an interior designer…or a dermatologist.
What job would you hate doing or be really bad at?
I once had a job folding giant geological maps into tiny cardboard boxes, all my myself in a windowless room that was smaller than the maps. I lasted three days.
If you have an artistic practice, what is it? What’s up next?
I recently launched the new design for vancouverplays.com, an online theatre magazine which our colleague Professor Jerry Wasserman and I have been running for over fourteen years. I also contributed the voiceover for a performance piece that was featured in the 2016 Ottawa Fringe Festival.
What is one little known fact (that you would like to share) about yourself?
I met my husband, UBC Theatre and Film Professor Stephen Malloy, while we were both in theatre school as undergrads at the University of Ottawa. We got married in our third year of undergrad – thirty-six years ago! The photo at the top of the page is from Ottawa U’s 1979 production of The Good Woman of Setzuan by Bertolt Brecht, directed by Alexander Hausvater – I’m the one in the front and centre, and Stephen’s on the far right.
What do you do for fun or relaxation?
I regularly practice yoga, often in classes at the UBC Museum of Anthropology, which is the grandest yoga studio imaginable! I also read everything from old mystery novels to medical journals, knit sweaters from my own patterns, and obsess over the Vancouver real estate market.