1. What is your title? What do you do at UBC Theatre and Film? Where can we find you (your office or room)?
Film Production Program Administrator, located in room 100 of the Theatre-Film Production Building. I handle things for film production like the student handbook, the trimentorship program, monitoring student productions, working with industry partners on student discounts for gear, student recruitment, and as a general contact person for the student body if they have questions.
2. How long have you worked here?
Since late 2013.
3. How did you get the job-training/education, previous jobs, particular skill sets, connections to UBC?
I was an MFA student here from 2009 to 2012, and had a GA position that was like a mini version of my current role. I’ve also worked in the film production industry in various crew roles since about 2006.
4. What are the top three great things about working at UBC Theatre and Film?

  1. The people I’m working with.
  2. I can wear jeans and sneakers.
  3. Getting to help students problem solve on their student films. I love giving script notes or brainstorming locations with them.

5. If you weren’t working at UBC in your present position, what would be your dream job?
I sometimes really miss being on set, and I do want to be a professional, paid screenwriter, but my BFF and I have a wild dream of being Eurovision performance consultants.
6. What job would you hate doing or be really bad at?
7. If you have an artistic practice, what is it? What’s up next?
I write a lot. I’m really good at starting projects, but really bad at finishing them, of course. On my to do list is a handful of screenplays, a YA novel, and a comic book. We’ll see if any of them get finished or if I just start new ones.
8. What is one little known fact (that you would like to share) about yourself?
I started collecting loose-leaf tea a few years back, and now the collection needs its own bookcase. Oops.
9. What do you do for fun or relaxation?
I write, I bake, I sew, I drink tea and I watch a lot of movies.