Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Tony Harrison’s Trackers of Oxyrhynchus at Delphi, designed by Jocelyn Herbert.
In the past two summers, Theatre Studies Professor Hallie Marshall, along with PhD student and Teacher’s Assistant, Mario Kallo, have taken a Go Global group to Greece to study Greek Theatre. The course, THTR 440C: Prophesy and Madness, Death and Healing, Music and Dance: Apollo on-stage in Fifth-century Athens, will be taught virtually this year from July 6 – August 13. The class will not be going to Greece in 2020 because of the travel bans due to Covid19, BUT the opportunity to travel will be rolled over to 2021.
There is still room in this course!
THTR 440C: Prophesy and Madness, Death and Healing, Music and Dance: Apollo on-stage in Fifth-century Athens
This course will explore the representation of the Greek god Apollo in the theatre of Athens in the fifth century BCE. We will read canonical works such as Aeschylus Oresteia, and Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus, as well as less read works like Euripides Orestes, Ion, Alcestis and the fragmentary remains of his Phaethon, alongside modern receptions of ancient plays, such as Tony Harrisons The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus and perhaps a little bit of Nietzsche. We will also read selections from other classical texts that will help us to situate the Apollo that we will see on stage in broader cultural context of the ancient Greco-Roman world. These selections will include works such as: Book 1 of Homers Iliad, The Homeric Hymn to Apollo, and Book 2 of Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
From Hallie:
“As part of the course, we will be making a film of the Dawn chorus from Euripides’ Phaethon thanks to a SSHRC Connection grant, as well as support from a variety of internal UBC sources. We hope to film on the island of Naxos, assuming that travel next May is possible. The Arts Research Abroad funding, provided by the Dean of Arts and generous anonymous donors, has been rolled over to next year, which means that most of the students who had been accepted in the course for this summer will be able continue with the course next spring.”
Students must have 3rd-year standing or permission of the Instructor to register for this course.
Students in BFA Theatre programs may use this course for their upper-level Theatre Studies requirements.
*It is anticipated that all of the texts for this course will be available on-line through the UBC Library or other sources. Students will not be required to purchase any books to complete this course.
Apply: https://bit.ly/3d2orXL
Hallie’s Profile: https://bit.ly/2YimznE