Ripley Twardzik Ching

BFA Acting

Ripley is a Singaporean-Canadian actor and BFA graduate. She strives to create unity and empower others to do the same through her work. Recent projects include UBC’s Saint Joan of The Stockyards (Martha), Concord Floral (6/Nearly Wild), The Birds (Hummingbird), and The (Un)usual Suspects (Mr. Green), and Bleed Through Theatre’s independent initiative Loose Assemblage as an actor and choreographer.

What was one of the highlights of your UBC experience?

The depth of creative and personal relationships that I’ve formed with my colleagues and dear friends. Witnessing our growth as artists and performers over these short years has been a gift.

What kind of creative work do you see yourself doing in the next few years?

Collaborative projects that inspire love amidst difficulty and pain. Work that is accessible for, and interacts directly with communities and individuals. Art as a tool for social action and transformation. I hope to expand my repertoire to include the full creative process, including writing, directing and designing.

Check out Ripley’s work here: