BFA Acting
Blake Buksa is a BFA graduate from UBC originally from Edmonton, Alberta. Coming from a singing and dancing background, Blake found his love for acting through musical theatre. Having done multiple projects with UBC, Blake is eager to step into the Vancouver film/tv and theatre industry.
You have/will see/hear/experience my work in
Machinal, Naked Cinema and Oil.
What was one of the highlights of your UBC experience?
I would say having built such a strong family with my classmates. We have always been so supportive of each other since day one and without a doubt will continue to remain a family and help one another once we graduate and begin our next chapters.
What kind of creative work do you see yourself doing in the next few years?
I see myself acting in film and television but along the way, I also see myself producing, acting and directing in plays and short films. I would love to learn and feel confident in all positions to challenge myself and help me grow as an artist.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Having travelled to over 20 countries.
Which talent would you most like to have?
To be able to play the piano.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Making avocado toast for breakfast as often as I can. Always finding new ways to change it up and add new things!
If you could have dinner with someone fictional/real, who would it be?
Beyoncé, no question.
If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
A person who LOVED to cook. I can’t help but think how much easier life would be.

Blake Buksa Headshot

Blake Buksa Headshot