BFA Acting
Bel is a Peruvian/Spanish actor and singer-songwriter. For UBC: Oil (Amy), Machinal (Young Woman, Ep. 2), The Greeks (Clytemnestra) and the short film “Day” (Brenda). In Peru: Footloose: The Musical (Ariel), Sadako and 1000 Paper Cranes (Sadako), James & The Giant Peach (Spider). Original music on streaming platforms.
You have/will see/hear/experience my work in
Commedia Dell’Arte, Machinal, Naked Cinema, and Oil.
What was one of the highlights of your UBC experience?
Playing co-lead Amy in Oil by Ella Hickson, directed by the brilliant Moya O’Connell. Playing one character in four different languages, at four different ages, in four time periods—all in one show. A beautifully daring experience. Unforgettable.
What kind of creative work do you see yourself doing in the next few years?
Acting. Wow, bet you didn’t see that one coming! Also producing/recording all the music I’ve been brewing in my songwriting notebooks and releasing it into the world to see what happens! I want people to feel something—hopefully something meaningful.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Every opportunity I’ve ever taken to make someone else’s life better in any way, both big and small.
Which talent would you most like to have?
Figure skating. Working on it!!
What is your guilty pleasure?
Peruvian King Kong.
If you could have dinner with someone fictional/real, who would it be?
Alicia Keys.
If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
A bunny. Or a dolphin.

Belen Quirce Headshot
Belen Quirce Headshot

Belen Quirce in Oil
Belen Quirce in Oil

Belen Quirce in Machinal
Belen Quirce in Machinal