Set in 1987, the Vancouver-shot film follows central character Private Jane Cross (Tirra Dent), as she finds herself the target of a clandestine attack and interrogation by the icy Captain Summers, (Mike Dopud) following a fiery affair with an alluring senior officer, Major Corporal Maryann Kirk (Alison Wandzura).
Collaborating with local filmmaker Arun Fryer and the University of British Columbia Film Department, multi-award-winning filmmaker Cari Green (The Corporation, When I Walk, Scared Sacred) wrote, directed and produced the film to dramatize a scarcely documented time in history.
To date, Green has financed the entire film independently, armed with a crew of dedicated filmmakers, volunteers and emerging media producers, and after three years of development, the team is currently working to raise the funds to pay for the completion of the film, in addition to marketing and distributing it for audiences around the world.
Find out more about Citizen Jane here: