Critical Thinkers Series: Dr. Brent Strang

Friday October 11, 2024
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Presented by the Centre for Cinema Studies and Cinema Thinks the World, the Critical Thinkers Series features research talks by notable and emerging scholars in Cinema and Media Studies. Next up for Fall 2024 is a talk by Dr. Brent Strang, “From Couch-Lock to Bed-Rot: The Implosion of the Home Media Apparatus”.

This event is free and there is no need to RSVP. Coffee and tea will be provided!

About Dr. Brent Strang:

Brent Strang has a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies at Stony Brook University. His research interests include masculinities in American film & television, business histories of the home entertainment industry, and attention-capture through interface design & interaction peripherals. His most recent publication is “Armchair Harmonics: Radio Remote Controls and the Historical Persistence of Push-Buttons” published in The Routledge Companion to Media Technology and Obsolescence (2018).