Gerrit Krueper
Research Area
BA (University of Wuerzburg, Germany), MA (University of Rochester, NY)
PhD Supervisor: Dr. Mila Zuo
Originally from Cologne, Germany, Gerrit Krueper is a Ph.D. Candidate in Cinema and Media Studies at UBC. Specializing in New Media Studies, his research interrogates the socio-political implications of live streaming platforms and media audiences, drawing upon Marxist frameworks to critique paradigms of audience engagement and agency. His work extends to the study of video games, focusing on themes of play, leisure, and anti-work as ideological constructs in capitalism.
Recent Work
Krueper, Gerrit. “Becoming Cyborg: Liberating One’s Real Species-Being. A Materialist Ontology of the Posthuman.” Culturally Sustainable Social Robotics. IOS Press: 2020. 501-509. Print.
June 2023 “A New Media Theory of Live Streaming and its Political and Social Potentials.” at the Canadian Game Studies, Virtual Conference
May 2023 “The Politics of Live Streaming – A Case Study on Hasan Piker” at CONGRESS 2023: FMSAC // Film and Media Studies Association of Canada, Annual Conference.
May 2022 “Twitch and the Dialectical Stream” at the Canadian Game Studies Association. Action!
May 2021 “Ethical Productivity of Play-Time: Producing One’s Species-being in Pathological Capital” at the Canadian Game Studies Association Conference Solidarity and Social Justice in Games Studies: A Colloquium, Virtual Conference.
August 2020 “Cyborgs as Social Robots: An Ontology of Posthumanist Materialism” International Research Conference Robophilosophy 2020: Aarhus, Denmark.
June 2020 “Ethical Productivity of Play-Time.” Congress2020, Canadian Game Studies Association at the Western University, London, Ontario.