We Want to Know What You Think!

Survey Button

We are excited to announce that the UBC Department of Theatre and Film will be launching a new website by the end of the year!  As promoting our performances and engaging the local community are primary goals of ours, we are seeking feedback from those who have viewed our performances in the past, and who have indicated that they are interested in receiving news, offers, and updates.  Please take a moment to complete our brief survey below.  Those who complete the survey will have the option of entering a draw to win a pair of tickets to one of our mainstage shows in the 2019/2020 season with a concession voucher to be used on the night and  a $20 Starbucks gift card.

–Please click here to complete our website survey by April 7th–

In addition, the survey includes the opportunity to sign-up for a small focus group we will be holding in Room 18 of the Frederic Wood Theatre on Thursday, April 4th from 5:30 to 6:30 PM.  Refreshments and a small gift will be provided to all participants as a token of appreciation for their time.  If you have any questions regarding the survey or workshop, please do not hesitate to contact the project manager at daniel.pugh@ubc.ca.