UBC Faculty and Alumni Make Their Mark at VIFF 2024

Still from The Chef & The Daruma

The Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) opens tomorrow and we are thrilled to see many UBC Theatre and Film faculty and alumni featured in this year’s lineup. Their creativity and dedication have led to ground-breaking work contributing to the vibrant film landscape in BC and beyond. Be sure to check out their incredible work at the festival, September 26–
October 6. With a free U25 membership cinema fans aged 19–25 enjoy special member perks and great discounts on films at VIFF and all year at the VIFF Centre.

Congratulations to all!


Can I Get a Witness?

Special Presentation, Drama
September 27 & October 2
Anne Marie Fleming (Phil Lind Artist in Residence, 2016)­ – Director


Action & Suspense, Comedy, Horror/Sci-Fi
September 29 & October 1
Lindsay Allikas (BFA Film Production) ­– Editor

The Chef & the Daruma

World Premiere, Documentary
September 30 & October 5
Kaayla Whachell (BFA Film Production) – Cinematographer
Anna Chiyeko Shannon (BFA Film Production) ­– Editor

Still from Can I get a Witness?

Inay (Mama)

Canadian Premiere, Documentary
October 2 & 4
Anna Chiyeko Shannon (BFA Film Production) ­– Editor

Curl Power

October 3 & 5
Mike Johnston (BFA Film Production) – Producer

Preface to a History

World Premiere, Drama
October 3 & 5
Devan Scott (Adjunct Professor) – Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Cinematographer


One Day This Kid

Short Forum 1
Joaquin Cardoner (BFA Film Production) – Producer
Farhad Gahderi (BFA Film Production) – Cinematographer

Still from Delta Dawn

Delta Dawn

World Premiere, Documentary
Short Forum 2
Mike Johnston (BFA Film Production) – Producer
Kaayla Whachell (BFA Film Production) – Cinematographer

Judas Icarus Twists His Wrist

World Premiere, Documentary
Short Forum 1
Suz Friesen (Former Adjunct Professor) – Cinematographer
Jessica Johnson (Adjunct Professor) – Cinematographer

Organza’s Revenge

World Premiere, Animation
Short Forum 1
Lindsay Allikas (BFA Film Production) ­– Producer, Cinematographer, Editor

Catalyst Mentorship Program 2024 Cohort

Rame Ibrahim (MFA Film Production)
Eloane Venkatapen (BFA Film Production)
Jamie Lam (BFA Film Production)
Nushi Sharma (BFA Film Production)

VIFF Catalyst is a program provided to a cohort of 15 emerging filmmakers. It aims to enhance filmmaking skills through peer and mentor interactions, fosters a collaborative environment, and builds connections within the local film community. Congrats to Rame, Eloane, Jamie, and Nushi on this opportunity!

Oops—did we miss you? Please let us know and we’ll add you!