An award of $3100 has been endowed in memory of Kensaku Asano by his family, friends and colleagues. Kensaku studied Theatre and English Literature at UBC and worked as a theatre and television actor in the years after he graduated. He died of cancer at the age of 25.
The prize is given to a theatre major or minor in third or fourth year, in any stream, who exhibits the traits for which Kensaku was known:
An unshakably positive attitude toward theatrical work
A gift for encouraging other students
And a healthy sense of humour at all times
The award is made on the recommendation of faculty in the Department of Theatre and Film from nominations by the department’s student body.
How to Nominate Someone:
- Any Theatre Major or Theatre Minor may nominate someone.
- The nominee must be a declared Theatre Major or Theatre Minor in third or fourth year in any stream of the Theatre Program.
- The nominee must meet the requirements of the university senate and be enrolled in at least 27 credits during the current academic year, unless the student does not require 27 credits to graduate.
- The nominator must provide a (maximum) one-page persuasive letter describing the nominee’s activities that make him/her a worthy candidate for the award; that is, a fellow student who displays, “an unshakably positive attitude toward theatrical work, a gift for encouraging other students, and a healthy sense of humour at all times”. Please be sure to include one specific example that demonstrates this quality.
- The nomination letter must be signed by the nominator and four other Theatre Majors or Minors. Please include your student numbers.
- Nominations must be received by Sophie Corless by email to no later than 5pm on Tuesday, April 6, 2021.
The recipient will be chosen by a committee of three faculty members of the Department of Theatre and Film.
The award will be announced before the end of the academic year.