As part of the Department of Theatre and Film’s actions to combat systemic racism, I wish to make the UBC bullying, harassment, and discrimination complaints process, by which our department is bound, as transparent as possible to all of our students and alumni.
Grounds for complaints:
In determining the grounds for complaints, all employees and students of UBC are bound by the specific policies below:
- Discrimination Policy which can be found here: - UBC Statement on Respectful Environment for Students, Faculty and Staff which can be found here:
If a student or employee of UBC feels that have been the target of inappropriate conduct, they are strongly encouraged to consult with the Equity & Inclusion Office in regards to concerns about Discrimination at UBC or to determine under which policy they wish or may be able to make a complaint. The Equity & Inclusion Office is a resource that, among other things, can provide information, advice and assistance regarding those concerns, and the options available to students and employees. Their website at UBC Vancouver is:
Making a complaint:
If you have any concerns relating to matters of Discrimination, you should first consult with the Equity & Inclusion Office. If you believe that your concerns were not satisfactorily addressed through consultation, you may then submit a formal complaint to the Director of Investigations.
If you have any concerns relating to the Respectful Environment Statement, you should bring the matter to the attention of the appropriate contact person in the department in which the incident(s) occurred. If you are an employee, the appropriate contact person is your supervisor or the Department Head. If you are a student, the appropriate contact person is your professor, Department Head, or Dean’s Office.
What happens to a complaint?
Upon receiving a complaint, the relevant decision-maker will gather information to determine if there has been a violation of the Discrimination Policy or the Respectful Environment Statement. If it is concluded that a breach of any of these policies has occurred, the individual found to be in breach may be subject to disciplinary measures.
The investigation findings will be provided to the complainant, but will otherwise be kept confidential in accordance with BC privacy law.