BFA Acting
Gabrielle is a Filipino/French-Canadian actor who is currently signed with The Characters. With 10 years of training under her belt with Arts Umbrella and UBC, you’ll find her in both theatre and film. Upcoming projects are: Quelqu’un t’aime M. Hatch with Axis Theatre and LifeCycle at The Cultch.
You have/will see/hear/experience my work in
With UBC Theatre: Commedia Dell’Arte, Machinal, Naked Cinema and Coriolanus.
Other: iZombie (TV), Reveal Party (VFS Film) and Metampsychosis (UBC Film).
What was one of the highlights of your UBC experience?
Growing with my classmates as an artist and as a person has been such a profound experience. Knowing that I have a community of people to fall back on when things get tough (life-wise or artistically) is the biggest gift I will be leaving with.
What kind of creative work do you see yourself doing in the next few years?
I’m really looking forward to really digging into my acting career and having that be my singular focus. However, I have several projects in mind for devised work and a podcast (to be launched in September of 2022), and I’ll also be getting my hand into producing!
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Having a group of people in my life who are honest, abundant with love and who help me stay grounded. That, and making my mama proud.
Which talent would you most like to have?
What is your guilty pleasure?
Ice cream. I don’t discriminate when it comes to flavours but pistachio is my all-time favourite.
If you could have dinner with someone fictional/real, who would it be?
Oprah Winfrey.
If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
A sea otter or a koaka.

Gabrielle Nebrida-Pepin On Set
Gabrielle Nebrida-Pepin On Set

Gabrielle Nebrida-Pepin in Machinal
Gabrielle Nebrida-Pepin in Machinal

Gabrielle Nebrida-Pepin Headshot
Gabrielle Nebrida-Pepin Headshot